Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Law of Attraction Creations for today :)

Hello my Fantastic friends :)
I am very grateful to be part of your
Universe and experience.
Thank You so much for being exactly who
you are.

Congratulate yourself for negative manifestations...

Have you ever noticed a situation or
outcome that you feared happening that
actually manifested?
This was because you had placed so much
emotion and focus on that fear, that you
created it in your experience.

If you have ever done this then congratulate
Why? You ask?

Because you just proved for one, that the
law of attraction does indeed work,
and second, that you in fact DO have
the power to manifest what you
focus on.

Good for you :)

For example:
I also teach Mixed Martial Arts,
and one of my students had just started learning
about the law of attraction, but struggled at
times to keep his thoughts positive.
(Most of us have had those struggles by the way.)

To make a long story short, he came into class
one day and began to tell me how while driving
his parents van, that he had just gotten into
a minor accident.

He then told me that while driving, he was having
worries that he was going to get into an accident,
and shortly after that, it happened.

After hearing his story, instead of feeling sorry for him
and being empathetic, I told him
"congratulations for having the power to
manifest his thoughts so quick."

Afer that, he had a much better perspective
on the whole incident.

So......when you attract things like accidents, or
losing your job, etc. after complaining about and
fearing certain outcomes....congratulate
yourself for having such powerful
manifestation skills.

After you have done that, how about maybe
changing your thoughts, and focus on
positive things that you actually WANT
to manifest.

Also make sure to tell good positive stories
of how you really want your life to go, and
leave the whining and complaining to
someone else.

As always.....Seek "Joy" and Have
Love in your Heart & Soul :)

Thank You as always for reading this
Inspirational-Blog :)

I am honored, happy , and very grateful to

have your presence and energy here.

Have an Amazing life experience full of love,

success, happiness, positive energy,
and attraction to all you desire :)

Love and God Bless,
Mike Ludens

Here is your Affirmation Creations for today :)


Mike Ludens - Law of Attraction Creations Blog

i congratulate myself for all of my manifestations and accept them as vital experiences of my life. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i am full of love. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i forgive all negativity in this world, and send love and light to it. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

Here is today's Inspiration Creation :)
The Complete Conversations with God (Boxed Set)

mike ludens law of attraction creations

Thank You :)..........Mike

Would you like to be able to meditate,
but just haven't had success?
Try the:
Holosync Meditation Method
You'll be meditating like a Zen master in no time :)

P.S. If you like this message, please forward to a friend. Thank You :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Law of Attraction Creations for today :)

Hi everyone :)

Thank You for being such positive beings, and for
staying positive despite various forms of contrast in life.
Your positive energy is what energizes this
entire planet.

Positivity strengthens, Negativity weakens...

Every thought that you have of anger, fear, revenge,
hatred, shame, resentment, etc. weakens your body
makes you tired, sick, overweight, and much more.

Every positive thought of love, confidence, happiness, joy,
gratitude, hopefulness, etc. energizes your
body and fights off all the effects of negative thought.

Want proof?

Do an experiment with a friend.

Have that friend stick his/her arm straight out
from their body even with his/her shoulder.

First ask your friend to tell you something
truthful like their real name, or their address.

Make sure it's something that you both know
the answer for sure.

Now while the arm is out, after asking that first
easy question, you will try to pull/push the arm down
towards their side, and they will try to resist.

If they are telling the truth, you should have
very hard time moving their arm.

Now ask that person to think of someone who
they dislike.

Now have them think of thoughts of hatred, or revenge
towards that person.

This time when you try to move their arm,
you should easily be able to pull it down
with two fingers no matter how hard they resist.

This is how much negativity weakens the

Now, to make things right, have your friend think
again of the same person in the last example,
and this time, have them think thoughts of forgiveness,
love, and releasing any and all negative energy
towards that person.

Have them also realize and think that that person is doing
the best they can in their current situation.

Provided your friend can do all this, his/her arm
should again be very hard to budge again
when you try to move it.

This is positivity strengthening the body.

Negative thoughts, no matter what the reason or excuse
for thinking them, weaken the body, and make life
much harder for you.

Sounds like an extremely GOOD reason to
focus on the positive aspects in life,
doesn't it :)

Seek Joy and leave negativity behind. :)

Thank You as always for reading
this Inspirational-Blog :)

I am honored, happy , and very grateful

to have your presence and energy here.

Have an Amazing life experience full of love,

success, happiness, positive energy,
and attraction to all you desire :)

Love and God Bless,
Mike Ludens

Here is your Affirmation Creations for today :)

Mike Ludens - Law of Attraction Creations Blog

i forgive and release all negative energy from the past and embrace my now. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i focus on my perfect universe. all other perceptions of negativity is just an illusion.. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

my world and my experience are in my hands only, therefore i choose a wonderful life. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

Here is today's Inspiration Creation :)
The Complete Conversations with God (Boxed Set)

mike ludens law of attraction creations

Thank You :)..........Mike

Would you like to be able to meditate,
but just haven't had success?
Try the:
Holosync Meditation Method
You'll be meditating like a Zen master in no time :)

P.S. If you like this message, please forward to a friend. Thank You :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Law of Attraction Creations for today :)

Hello my Wonderful, Positive friends and
bright lights of this Universe.
I am so grateful for you :)

What do you choose to be overwhelmed by?......

Do you wish to be overwhelmed by all the
negativity and bad news that you hear on
tv and elsewhere?

Or, do you choose to be overwhelmed by
the incredible creation of life, nature, and
all the Beautiful and positive things on this
planet and universe?

Are you overwhelmed by politics and the economy?
Or, are you overwhelmed by the amount of
love your kids , family and partner have for you,
or how beautiful animals and nature are?

You have a choice every second of your life to
choose what you focus on and what you are
affected by.

You already know which choice it should be.
It's called your inner guidance.

If it feels good to you, then you have the

right focus.

If it feels bad, then it's time to shift that focus
to something that feels good :)

Simple hey?

As Always.........Seek JOY :)

Thank You as always for reading
this Inspirational-Blog :)

I am honored, happy , and very grateful
to have your presence and energy here.

Have an Amazing life experience full of love,

success, happiness, positive energy,
and attraction to all you desire :)

Love and God Bless,
Mike Ludens

Here is your Affirmation Creations for today :)

Mike Ludens - Affirmation Creations

i have a choice every second of what i focus on. I choose happiness and love. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

beauty, love, and joy are all around me, and this is what i choose to be my focus. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i am grateful for and enjoy this wonderful world i live in. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

Here is today's Inspiration Creation :)
The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set

mike ludens law of attraction creations

Thank You :)..........Mike

Would you like to be able to meditate,
but just haven't had success?
Try the:
Holosync Meditation Method
You'll be meditating like a Zen master in no time :)

P.S. If you like this message, please forward to
a friend. Thanks :)

Law of Attraction Creations for today :)

Hello my Incredible friends :)
I hope everyone is living a very
satisfying and wonderful life.
You deserve it.

Spread the change.....

Do the thoughts and words you say
match what you want in life?
Or are they just stories of what currently is,
whether it be positive or negative?

Every thought we think, and every word we
speak is creating our future.

Even in the face of what some perceive to be a period
of desperate times, when you focus on, and tell
positive stories, and think positive thoughts about

things that are going great in your life, the
events or circumstances that are not quite
happy about will change very shortly
for the better.

This is because your focus in the positive and
when you focus on positive things and have a
positive mindset, you can only attract positive
circumstances and experiences in your

For example:
Instead of buying into the latest gloom and
doom news of the moment, focus and talk
about other aspects like: how great your
kids are, or how lucky you are to be
healthy, or employed, or loved by your
mate, etc.

There is ALWAYS something positive to
focus on if you actually look hard enough

instead of dwelling in your illusion of
sorrow or negative events.

Take this positive outlook and share it with as
many people as possible.

The more people you can get to make that change,
the more the world will benefit.

Positivity can spread just as easy as negativity.

Remember........ Any current situations are
simply results of past thoughts. That's it!

Change your thoughts now and the future will be
so much brighter :)

As always.......Seek JOY :)

Thank You as always for reading

this Inspirational-Blog :)

I am honored, happy , and very grateful

to have your presence and energy here.

Have an Amazing life experience full of love,

success, happiness,positive energy,
and attraction to all you desire :)

Love and God Bless,
Mike Ludens

Here is your Affirmation Creations for today :)

i choose lighter, brighter, more joyful thoughts to create my joyful future. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i give my undivided attention to only those things that bring me joy. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i learn from life's indicators, and i adjust my thoughts for a fantastic future. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

Here is today's Inspiration Creation :)


The Complete Conversations with God (Boxed Set)

mike ludens law of attraction creations

Thank You :)..........Mike

Would you like to be able to meditate,
but just haven't had success?
Try the:
Holosync Meditation Method
You'll be meditating like a Zen master in no time :)

P.S. If you like this message, please forward to
a friend. Thanks :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Law of Attraction Creations for today :)

Hello my always fantastic friends :)

I hope life is incredible for you
in every way :)

Get out of your mind...

When your mind is dampened or weakened,
the body will function in ways that will reflect
that condition.

If your mind is uplifted, strengthened, or renewed,
the body will reflect those conditions with
more energy and vibrancy.

Your body will always reflect whatever state the
mind is in.

If your mind and body are feeling down, then
it's time to get
"out of your mind".

By that, I mean to do things to replenish your
soul .

You'll know in your heart what really makes you happy
when you are doing it.

The soul is pure Love, so when you are in a
state of joy or extreme happiness while doing
something you love, you are feeding your soul.

This in turn will replenish your mind, your creativity,
and energize your body as well.

And like I always say......Seek Joy :)

Thank You as always for reading
this Inspirational-Blog :)

I am honored, happy , and very grateful
to have your presence and energy here.

Have an Amazing life experience full of love,
success, happiness, positive energy,
and attraction to all you desire :)

Love and God Bless,
Mike Ludens

Here is your Affirmation Creations for today :)

Mike Ludens - Affirmation Creations

i am a blessed being who deserves well being. i now relax and let well being flow to me. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i make time everyday to do things i love and that bring me joy. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i keep my mind and body refreshed by doing things that feed my soul. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

Here is today's Inspiration Creation :)

mike ludens law of attraction creations

Thank You :)..........Mike

Would you like to be able to meditate,
but just haven't had success?
Try the:
Holosync Meditation Method
You'll be meditating like a Zen master in no time :)

P.S. If you like these messages, please forward
to a friend. Thanks

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Law of Attraction Creations for today :)

Hello my Amazing friends :)

Thank You so much for bringing your
great energy here to read this

I am grateful for you.

Build your manifestation momentum.........

What do you usually focus on when you think
about the desires and requests that you have put out to
the Universe?

Do you dwell on the fact that you are in a
position of lack of what you desire?

Or, do you ponder in anticipation and eagerness of
when and how your wants are going to manifest?

Unfortunately, when your focus is on the
lack of your desire manifesting, you are creating
more experiences of lack, because that is where
your focus lies.

Anticipating and positively looking forward to your
desires manifesting in whatever way the
Universe sees fit to deliver it to you will
keep you aligned with the vibration of those
desires, and bring them into your life much faster.

Many of us are very aware of the "big" or "large"
requests in life not manifesting yet.

Don't worry, you are certainly not alone in this

Unfortunately, being in like company will not manifest
those large desires faster, because again, the
focus is on the lack thereof.

A good way to help you overcome those thoughts is
to build a momentum of confidence.

By keeping track of all the small things that you
to create in your every day experience will
gradually build your confidence, and soon you will
know the power you really have, by looking
at the large list of things you made happen on a
daily basis.

What kind of things should you write down and
keep track of you ask?

Anything that you had even a brief or steady
thought about, and suddenly it appeared.

A song on the radio that was in your head,
a green light at the stoplight,
answering the phone before it even rings,
getting that first row parking spot,
thinking about someone who you haven't
seen in a while, and shortly after that, you see them,
come across them, or they call you etc.

If you keep track of the small things that you
make happen every day
(believe me, every one of us create every day),
You will be more sure of your power of
making things happen in your life,
and that confidence will start making bigger, more
important "to you" desires manifesting in your

Have Fun with it, and see how many things you
come up with.

And as Joy :)

Thank You as always for reading this Inspirational-Blog :)

I am honored, happy , and very grateful
to have your presence and energy here.

Have an Amazing life experience full of love,
success, happiness, positive energy,
and attraction to all you desire :)

Love and God Bless,
Mike Ludens

Here is your Affirmation Creations for today :)

Mike Ludens - Affirmation Creations

i am always allowing well being in all ways to flow into my experience. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

i enjoy and bask in the beauty of this wonderful universe. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

my current story is just an indicator of past thoughts, i now tell my story the way i want my experience to be. Mike Ludens Law of Attraction Creations

Here is today's Inspiration Creation :)

The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set

mike ludens law of attraction creations

Thank You :)..........Mike

Would you like to be able to meditate,
but just haven't had success?
Try the:
Holosync Meditation Method
You'll be meditating like a Zen master in no time :)

P.S. If you like this message, please forward to a friend :)